Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Bearded Epiphany

I would like to note here, right off the get go- that I in fact -
1. Smiled @ a stranger :)
2. Complimented some friends - yesterday. THUS! I am indeed off to a fan-nominal start to my; Best Summer EVER!

With this out of the way, I would also like to proceedeth.

So, it is no hidden, secret, the fact that I am not  really dating much... or have ever really done much dating... ALSO I do believe it is common knowledge to my Friends that I have no concept/natural ability to "flirt."

Very few have probably ever heard me mention that I find a man "sexy."  Let me assure you, I find MEN, amazingly attractive.  However, the common words; Cute, Sexy, Fit, Hot,  or Beautiful just don't come to mind when I see a guy I think is; Attractive, Gorgeous, or if I'm not caught off guard by his rugged good looks just, Handsome.

Today, it came to me, why this is. Like a child discovering mixing blue and Yellow make Green. Everything becomes clear! Clearer then the glass cups you leave in the dish washer to try and get the remaining soap residue off!

Let me share a story. It is very short, I am very short. This works!
Today, at work I was sitting at my desk minding my own business, when in comes an handsome man. I think to myself, as I have before, he's pretty good looking-aww he even has eye smiles! (Eye smiles are the lines/wrinkles some peoples eyes make when they smile! ... I looove them!)

So- he would like his password reset, I can do this a few ways but i will just cover
1. Verifying his date of birth - 1974....

You do the math, he would be 12 years older then me...

There have been laughs here and there, with me finding men with facial hair gorgeous or even just, attractive. I've seen the same men without facial hair, and - really most men NEED it. Some can pass without, but for the most part, it's essential for my unconscious attraction to them.

This, I have known- it is FACT. Proven, researched-test-KNOWN and not what I realized.

Here are some things I considered.
Russell Crowe - Gorgeous (Only w/facial hair)
The Poop-Dave -  Handsome -  However, should never-ever-ever grow facial hair

Liev Schreiber - Glorious (Even w/o facial hair~)
Gerard ButlerLovely (5am shadow preferred but not necessary)
This one Guy I'm thinking of - but will not be named (only Ali knows.. maybe Doug if he remembers) - Attractive ( Should not be allowed to own a razor, only a pair of scissors to keep it neat~)
This one Professor - Good Looking (unless clean shaven)
The Guy I mentioned Earlier

Okay, I'm out of good synonyms that I would potentially use, and I really don't follow actors at all, but for the sake of the easyness of picturing these people, there they are.

Aside from the facial hair requirements- which I may add are different for each individual, they are all significantly older. I'm not going to even figure out how much older, because it is irrelevant. 

This is my Epiphany: I find older men attractive, more attractive then men my own age. Face value, no words spoken- the silver hairs in their side burns get me I guess. They add to the character that I don't know of him, but it draws me to want to know more.

I do however, find some men my own age endearing, a few attractive or handsome. Yet for the most part most don't WOW  me right at first, and it isn't until I get to know their personalities that they then become, the-stop-me-in-my-tracks-stunning-status.

So since women live longer then men (apparently?), I better find an older-looking-than-you-are-Russell-Crowe-LDS-lookalike !!


  1. Michelle you crack me up! Loved the post! You can come over any time. I don't have your email or your phone number. I got a new phone and lost all phone numbers again. So text or call me sometime and let me know when you wanna come see my cute kid! (801) 628 7518 I am gonna try and make it in to the service desk sometime this week with him. When it warms up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well I think the moral of your story is why aren't there more Russel Crowes? (>.<)

    I love your colors for your text too!
